Thank you for accessing my site. I am pleased you are interested in Nutrition, and I look forward to sharing my passion with you. I hold a Master of Science in Nutrition with training and focus in Integrative Health from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. To support this focus I earned my national clinical certification from the Board Certified Nutrition Specialist. I am a CNS. I commit my integrative knowledge to find creative nutrient solutions that will improve your path to optimal health.
Understanding your lifestyle is the first goal of creating a well-developed dietary road map; are your needs met? Our life cycles have different requirements. Good healthy food accompanied by supplementation is the foundation from which we will build. Together, we will explore your possible environmental exposures because they can cause many biological disturbances and alter nutrient needs. Taking the time now to identify and address them is important to overall wellness. Exposures in our homes, our workplaces, the air we breathe, and the water we drink can be overwhelming to our bodies.
Then there is the telecommunications industry's technology like the 5G network currently being activated across the country, atop of existing lower frequencies like 4G and its predecessors, are the cause of new health concerns. The technology is pervasive, difficult to avoid, and has an enormous impact on our health. Controlling our human-made electromagnetic field exposure is an important factor in the establishment of an integrative health plan. Another vital component of good health is being mindful of the microbiome, where the science and practical applications are growing exponentially.
We will talk about foods and supplements that will create or maintain a healthy microbiome, address the importance of exercise and other factors. Mapping a plan for better health practices to get you to the next stage of life with bountiful energy is my goal.
Nanette L. Skiba
My Garden
Here I am in my garden - my little plot that I have tilled for 20 years. I have enjoyed this Community Garden very much. My plot is 21.5 by 27.5 feet which is large enough to provide me with an abundance of Food and diet diversity.
During the Pandemic, my garden gave me a place of purpose. Over the years, this little plot has been a great stress reliever.
I honestly feel that being an active gardener has positively contributed to my practitioner skills by using more observational skills. I recommend a Community Garden in your city or reacquaint yourself with your backyard, see if you have space to garden.
Gardening is an excellent introduction to the power of Food and good health.
Just when you think the harvest is over the garden gives up a little bit more! I have always enjoyed the end of the season hunt for the stragglers.
We plant peas in Boston on March 17. We brush aside the snow and in they go!
Flowers are such a delight in the garden, I never know where they are going to pop up.
When I decide to be still in the garden, I become my own marble statue. Being still while in a strong pose might prompt a little creativity regarding what to do with the voles, rabbits and squirrels who take my best crops. I am desperate for ideas.
Every garden offers some sort of gem during the season - Purslane is mine. As you see in the photo, it is like ground cover, it comes up after the heavy spring rains and lasts until the end of July, when it flowers. Not sure where it came from but what a treat. This plant is nutrient dense and delicious. Over the years, we have experimented with eating raw versus cooking. Here is what we came up with:
Saute'ed in avacado oil with Allium tuberosum aka: garlic chives, oriental garlic, Asian chives, Chinese chives, onions, garlic, garlic powder, salt and tumeric powder.
Client Testimonials
Consulting with nanette about my health was helpful and helped shape my perspective in a different direction. The process made me understand what I was doing wrong and how to reach my goals more effectively. During my journey, I plan to continue to converse on how to improve my health. ⏤ Tracy J.
Nanette Skiba has been wonderful to work with! She listens and takes in your concerns. She is very knowledgeable. If she does not know something, she does the research and gets back to you with new information. She does an amazing job of analyzing test results and forming hypotheses based on these. Nanette offers good, clear, detailed explanations. Regarding supplements and programs, she is careful to investigate the scientific research behind the products. She sends articles of interest and shows that she cares about you. Nanette is also flexible, so if one product does not work for you, she will find another. She accepts you as you are. Nanette is encouraging and does not give up on you. I highly recommend for anyone to work with Nanette to help you on your dietary, health, and weight loss goals. ⏤ Margie F.
I honestly never realized how connected my diet was to my health. I still don’t have the entire picture, but I am happy with the baby steps I am taking. I feel I have someone I can chat with when needed. ⏤ Greg G.